A Long haul - But it has been worth it.

My journey began many years ago, whilst living in Birmingham. Having realised fairly early on that a mundane 9-5 job was not my ideal purpose in life, I decided to join a theatre school and train for stage. Quite a shock to the system. The terror of walking out in front of an audience really has to be experienced first-hand in order to see what it is like. Despite giving it my all I soon realised that this also is not where I wanted to be. A realisation that being in entertainment in some form, but not directly, in the lime-light, was where I would like to end up. Due to this I took up working in theatres, only back stage, being involved in the magic but not in the direct firing line of a live audience. That was much more to my liking. I then moved on to television, working at Pebble Mill in Birmingham (no longer there, sadly) as a TV Operative (glorified stage-hand) but loved every minute of it. During my stay there I worked on many shows, the original All Creatures Great and Small, Angels, The Basil Brush show and many more. At this time in my life I began writing, turning my hand to children's books, plays etc. Having few publishers in Birmingham I eventually moved to London and fell in love with the place. As Dr Johnson so rightly put it: 'A man who is tired of London is tired of life'. And so my journey began.

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